Why Car Dealerships Should Create Multiple Google Business Profiles by Departments

Having multiple departmental profiles benefits dealerships offering diverse services under one roof.
29-May-2024 - 29-May-2024

In the past, Google discouraged creating separate Google Business Profiles (GBP) for each department if they shared the same address.

This meant dealerships couldn't highlight individual departments like sales, service and parts.

Google's stance has now changed, recommending the creation of separate listings for each department.

This change helps your dealership stand out online.

Each department can  have its own profile, making it easier for customers to find the specific information they need.

By setting up distinct listings for sales, service, and parts, you improve your visibility and customer experience.

What Are Departmental Profiles?

Departments within businesses, like dealerships, should have their own profiles.

Google encourages this for publicly-facing departments that operate as distinct entities.

Key guidelines include:

  • Each department must have a unique profile with accurate information.
  • Distinct profiles help customers find specific services more easily.

Benefits of Multiple Profiles for Dealerships

Increased Visibility:

  • Appear in More Searches: Profiles for sales, service, and parts increase chances of appearing in various searches.
  • Relevant Listings: Accurate information for each department enhances customer convenience.

Enhanced Customer Experience:

  • Targeted Reviews: Customers leave reviews for specific departments, providing useful feedback.
  • Clear Differentiation: Separate profiles prevent customer confusion.

Efficient Management:

  • Avoid Duplicates: Unique profiles prevent Google from flagging duplicates.
  • Streamlined Reviews: Automate review requests to maintain steady feedback.

Implementing Multiple Profiles

1. Conduct an Audit:

  • Identify necessary profiles for each department.
  • Ensure accurate, unique information.

2. Develop Unique Content:

  • Tailor posts and updates for each profile.
  • Use high-quality photos and engaging descriptions.

3. Allocate Resources:

  • Assign a team to manage profiles.
  • Keep information current and respond to reviews.

4. Automate Review Requests:

  • Use tools to send review requests automatically.
  • Encourage customers to leave specific feedback.

Best Practices

Regular Monitoring:

  • Set up alerts for new reviews.
  • Conduct audits to maintain accuracy.

Optimise for Local SEO:

  • Use relevant keywords in profiles.
  • Include local information to attract nearby customers.

Engage with Customers:

  • Respond to reviews and messages promptly.
  • Use feedback to improve services.

Preparing Google Business Profiles for Google AI Overviews 

With the rollout of Google's new AI Overview, formerly known as Search Generative Experience (SGE), the importance of Google Business Profiles has significantly increased.

This feature leverages data from Google Business Profiles, including reviews, photos, and business details, to create AI-generated snapshots that provide comprehensive answers to user queries directly within the search results.

This means that information from your Google Business Profile is now more prominently displayed and integrated into search results, making it essential to keep your profile updated and well-managed.

Here are some key reasons why car dealerships should create multiple Google business listings for each department, which has become more crucial than ever with the introduction of AI Overviews:

1. Enhanced Visibility: AI Overviews appear at the top of search results, often above organic listings, using data from Google Business Profiles.

This means car dealerships with well-maintained profiles are more likely to be featured prominently in these AI-generated summaries​.

2. Data Integration: Google uses photos and reviews from business profiles to populate the AI Overview snapshots.

This makes it vital for dealerships to have high-quality images and positive reviews to attract potential customers​

3. Local Search Optimisation: For local searches, Google’s AI Overview synthesises information from various sources, including business profiles, to provide detailed and helpful insights about local businesses.

This can include practical information such as business hours, special features, and customer ratings​

4. Impact on SEO: The AI Overview can potentially lead to more zero-click searches, where users get their answers directly from the search results without clicking through to a website.

Therefore, optimising your Google Business Profile can help ensure that essential business information is visible even if users don’t visit your website.

​Given these changes, it's critical for car dealerships to regularly update their Google Business Profiles, focus on gathering positive customer reviews, and ensure that all information is accurate and comprehensive.

This not only enhances dealership visibility in AI Overviews but also improves overall search performance.

Maintaining separate Google Business Profiles demands more effort and precision, but the benefits are substantial.

Properly directing customers to the right department enhances their experience and increases your dealership's efficiency.

Don't miss out on potential business opportunities; take the time to expand and refine your Google Business Profile strategy.

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