Landing Page Design for Caravan Dealership Promoting New Campervan Model

6-Mar-2024 - 6-Mar-2024


Salop Leisure, a leading Caravan Dealer in the United Kingdom, recently initiated a marketing campaign with the objective of amplifying the visibility of their latest offering—the Swift Monza Campervan.

The focus of the campaign was the development of a dedicated landing page designed to enhance the post-click experience for potential customers coming from Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and email marketing channels.

This case study explores the strategies employed in creating the landing page, the execution of the marketing campaign, and the analysis of its outcomes.


In the highly competitive caravan industry, Salop Leisure has set itself apart by offering high-quality vehicles coupled with excellent customer service.

The introduction of the Swift Monza Campervan required a robust marketing strategy to not only introduce the new model but also to convert interest into tangible sales.

The campaign was launched with a dual goal: to generate leads and to sell the stock of 8 campervans.

To effectively market the new Swift Monza Campervan and manage the surplus inventory of 8 vehicles, Salop Leisure needed to create a compelling digital experience that would not only draw in potential buyers but also encourage them to take the next step in the purchasing process.


The primary objective of the campaign landing page was to generate leads through targeted marketing campaigns and to provide an engaging post-click experience that would drive sales for the 4 available colors of the Swift Monza Campervan.


Strategy and Execution.

The campaign strategy involved two main channels: PPC and email marketing. To capitalise on these channels, the following steps were implemented:

Landing Page Design.

  • The creation of the landing page was centered around showcasing the Swift Monza Campervan with high-definition visuals and interactive elements such as a 360-degree view.
  • The page layout was structured to guide users through the key features of the campervan, including pricing details, layouts, specifications, and available models.
  • A clear and prominent call-to-action (CTA) button, "Book a Show-Around," was placed to encourage immediate engagement from prospective customers.

Marketing Campaigns.

  • PPC campaigns were tailored with specific keywords related to campervans and Salop Leisure to capture the interest of individuals actively searching for such products.
  • Email campaigns were sent to Salop Leisure’s existing customer base and segmented audiences who had shown interest in campervans in the past.
  • Both campaigns directed users to the landing page where they could find detailed information and complete a lead generation form.


  • The landing page received a high click-through rate from PPC and email campaigns, indicating strong interest generated through the marketing efforts.
  • A total of 32 leads were generated during the campaign period, highlighting the effectiveness of the landing page in capturing potential customer details.
  • Out of the 8 Monza campervans in stock, 4 were sold, resulting in a 50% conversion rate from the stock available during the campaign.

BFN understands marketing performance, which is why we continue to use them

Mark Bebb. Joint Managing Director 


The targeted campaign for the Swift Monza Campervan significantly contributed to Salop Leisure's marketing objectives.

The carefully crafted landing page served as a pivotal element in transforming the customer's post-click experience, effectively turning interest into action.

The combination of strategic PPC and email marketing, along with a well-designed landing page, not only heightened the awareness of the Swift Monza Campervan but also demonstrated a successful conversion of leads into sales.

This case study exemplifies the power of an integrated digital marketing strategy in the caravan industry and sets a precedent for future campaigns at Salop Leisure.


Revenue Revenue Generated
Sales Qualified Leads
Vehicles Sold

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